Hello, World.

I'm Scotty Singh.

Software Developer Tech Enthusiast

More About Me

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

I am an incoming Computer Science student at the University of Washington. I am passionate about the world of technology and its application to real-world ideas. The power of computer programming truly fascinates me and I love to see how technology enhances our daily lives and improves our societal infrastructure.


I'm an aspiring software developer with experience in many programming languages and concepts. I love to learn and grow my personal expertise and always look at challenges as an opportunity for growth.

  • Fullname: Scotty Singh
  • Location: Seattle, WA
  • School: University of Washington
  • Degree B.S. in Computer Science
  • Email: scottysingh7@gmail.com


I have experience working with several programming languages through several personal projects. I have strong foundation in computing concepts such as OOP and I love challenges that center around problem-solving.

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More of my credentials.

Listed below is more information about my work experience and my educational background.

Work Experience

Incoming SWE Intern

June 2021 - September 2021

AT&T Labs

Incoming SWE Intern at AT&T Labs. This summer I will be working to rebuild AT&T's project management workflow platform to promote usability for clients. Specifically, I will be utilizing the JIRA developer API to develop a platform that meets the needs of clients and assists members of AT&T's QA team throughout the device testing life cycle.

Software Developer

February 2021 - Present


At DubHacks I am currently working as a member of the technology team. I am developing web applications and software products that build the DubHacks brand and spread the organizations mission. I am also supporting other teams to ensure the success of both Hack'21 and DubHacks, both of which are hackathons put on by our organization.

Imaging Subsystem Software Programmer

November 2020 - Present

UW Aeronautics and Astronautics CubeSat Team

I am a software programmer and engineer for the imaging subsystem. My responsibilities entail configuring hardware elements within the main imaging payload, which includes dealing with micro-controllers and cameras. I am also creating testing code to ensure the compatibility of the imaging components with the main satellite.


B.S. Computer Science

September 2020 - June 2023

University of Washington

Studying Computer Science at Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science. Relevant coursework in Data Structures (CSE 143), Foundations of Computing (CSE 311), and Software Design and Implementation (CSE 331). Future plans to participate in research and/or become a TA for computer science courses at UW.

High School Diploma

September 2016 - June 2020

North Creek High School

Awarded Valedictorian Award for Class of 2020. I graduated with a 4.0 GPA taking 8 AP courses over the course of my high school career. I was also the Founder and President of Red Cross Club and played soccer at the national level through my club Crossfire Academy.


Projects Completed


Graduation Year


Years of Experience

Check Out Some of My Works.

Below are some of the projects that I have completed. Simply click on a project to learn more about it!


I'd Love To Hear From You.

Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions regarding any of my projects or would like to talk about anything tech related!

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